Thursday, February 12, 2009

Assignment 3-2 Icon Analysis

Icon Analysis:
Michael Jackson; Sponge Bob Square Pants; The Lion King

When I think of icons, there are three that come to mind. Pop king Michael Jackson, cartoon character Sponge Bob Square Pant, and the television show Deal or No Deal. These three things have become household names that everyone is familiar to with. I find myself pondering on why these three items are iconic.
Michael Jackson is a considered the Pop King. He is an icon just by merely living his life. He has achieved a level of celebrity that few reach. Living his life under a microscope for the entire world to judge and mimic. He was very popular in many generations since he was the age of five. He has taught us that being a human icon has a huge price to pay.
Sponge Bob Square Pant, is an iconic figure for the younger generation. This cartoon character entertains children as well as adults. You can see Sponge paraphernalia in every store USA. Sponge lives in an unrealistic world that allows you to see the simplicity of life. This cartoon allows you to escape the real world, if only for a minute.
The Lion King is my all time favorite movie. I love how this cartoon took on some so many human characteristics and made you use your imagination. This film was filled with so much imagery it forced you connect with this fairy tale world. This movie is iconic in that it set the standard for cartoons movies after it. Once Lion King debuted, it forced movie makers to make cartoons more appealing to adults.


  1. I think Sponge Bob is such a controversial character. While the cartoon is very entertaining I know a lot of parents that are concerned about some of the adult content. One of my all time favorite movies was also the Lion King. No matter how many times I watched it though whenever I Simba's mother died I broke into tears! Chalk another one for the wonderful Disney creators.

  2. I beleive your chosen Icons are wonderful Icons, and I am sure we have alot in common becuase of your chosen Icons.

  3. You bring up a relevant point in your last sentence on Michael Jackson. Living in the public eye like that, especially starting at such a young age, tends to have a huge cost for that individual. Other icons like Britney Spears have also had significant personal and mental issues at least partly due to their fame.

    Although I'm not a big fan of Sponge Bob it does remind somewhat of the old Looney Tunes cartoons with it's wacky escapist world.

    Maybe it's just my cynicism as I have gotten older but it seems that there are few truly powerful movies anymore. Especially movies directed toward children and teenagers. Sure most Disney movies these days are enjoyable and fun while they last but, there is little emphasis on personal growth and larger themes. Yes, there is some, but I feel it's buried far too deeply.
