Sunday, March 15, 2009

Assignment 7-1-Facebook

Weekly Written Analysis:

Ok, I think I am hooked to facebook. I joined about 2 years ago, but really didn't like it to much. So I gave it such a break that I forgot my username and password. Let me tell you it was truly a hassle getting that information straightened out. As a matter of fact, it didn't get straightened out. I had to create a new account and start my page all over again.
So I have a new page now and it seems the rest of the world joined since the last time I accessed the site. It has truly been a high school, middle school, elementary school, church, girl scouts, childhood neighborhood friends, and other miscellaneous people that I have crossed paths with throughout life. It's amazing how much people change, yet are still the same! I have discovered that some of the conversations that took place years ago are still continuing like we never lost a beat. It's so refreshing to rush home and see what messages that await me from some of my old acquaintances.
We have all taken different paths in life. It's so nice to see how the people who made you so self conscience in life, have now grown up into responsible adults. I watched some my girlfriends tell me how addictive facebook is, but I just didn't know.

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